Dr Pankaj Chakraborty, Academic Dean, IQAC Coordinator and Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Holy Cross College, Agartala

"Centre for Education Growth and Research" (CEGR), a leading and only education think tank in India credited with four innovations, with over 10,000 aligned academicians, corporate and researchers and in the CEGR National Council includes Chairman-National Board of Accreditation; Regulators from AICTE; 50 Vice Chancellors from various regions of India and leading industrialists, was pleased to award Dr Pankaj Chakraborty, Academic Dean, IQAC Coordinator and Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Holy Cross College, Agartala , the "Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar", during the 15th Rashtriya Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar Ceremony held on 7th September 2021 in Virtual Mode over Webex Platform.